Exclusive Distributor Newsletter #4

Wishing you all an APA-y Christmas!

We are well into the month of December now, and things are busier than ever here at XTA, with all focus on APA as we approach the end of the year. Amplifiers have been out on tour in the UK with two rental companies in the past couple of months, and have we’ve received great feedback about their sound quality and capabilities. As with all high technology products, the software is as important as the hardware and we’ve been able to fine tune how the units work, and refine the remote software still further with this invaluable information.

We hope to have the amplifiers out in the USA early next year, with Richard, and to be able to begin inviting you all to join us here for some in depth APA hands-on introductory training in the new demo/training facility now ready for action!

With an independent APA wireless network and powered desks, our training room is ready for action.

With an independent APA wireless network, high SPL Quested LT speaker system and powered desks, we are all set.

For critical appraisal and smaller groups, the studio listening room has all our equipment permanently available.

For critical appraisal and smaller groups, the studio listening room has all our equipment permanently available.

We look forward to welcoming you here in 2015 and just as a seasonal sign-off, and a Christmas gift(!) have a read of Waring’s “12 Hayes (sic) of Christmas” as published in this month’s Pro Sound News. Enjoy!
