Not being part of the Las Vegas posse has never really bothered me. Until now. Until lucky Laurel and Hardy here get to go up in a private plane at the end of InfoComm for a zip about near the Grand Canyon. I say “near” as I’ve been told you aren’t allowed to just fly over it as there’s a bit of a monopoly on just who gets access, I guess to limit the number of tourist flights. I say “so I’ve been told” as Richard might have made it up when the actual truth was they wouldn’t let someone into the airspace who looks this deranged.
So moving on, maybe some comment from the show itself. Well, interesting news was that Danté has been taken up by more manufacturers, one of the notables being Midas. This is all good, and as we’re starting to ship the our Danté breakouts, everyone wins. At a recent seminar recently I was asked why we had gone with Danté as the option for our “Live” Breakouts (the DC range of breakouts are available with Cobranet and Ethersound as well as Danté). The simple answer to that is that it sounds the best by quite a margin, and as sound quality is as important as it’s even been to us, we wouldn’t have felt happy with our box being a weak link in a potentially top class chain of gear. Coupled with the flexibility and ease of use of the Danté system, and other details such as their virtual soundcard driver (with multiple AISO pairs available) and their commitment to AVB future-proofing, it makes sound sense, so to speak 😉
Coming up soon – not content with ruling the skies, XTA takes to the water with spectacular results…