
Gold Medals for Our Olympic Efforts and Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted by | August 29, 2012 | | No Comments

Everyone had an invitation waiting for them in work on Friday, ready for Monday afternoon…

We had a lovely surprise late last month with a double-whammy of a celebration – not only was it our 20th anniversary, but on the 30th of July we shipped our 50,000th unit!
The surprise part came in the form of a secretly planned meal which took place in an executive hotel near XTA – we shut up shop Monday lunchtime and rocked up to the venue for a great meal, and a brilliant birthday cake, complete with 20 candles…

The 20th Anniversary Cake, complete with blue icing.

No jokes about hot air here please…

John Austin, one of the official founding fathers of the company, made a speech, short enough that the candles hadn’t burnt down to nothing, and then blew the lot out…


Slight confusion at having to cut 23 slices with 20 candles…

As mentioned earlier, this was a double celebration for the company because, by complete coincidence, this was also the month that we reached the massive milestone of shipping our 50,000th unit!

Everyone “medalled” or “podiumed” or whatever made-up verb is popular this Olympic season 🙂


There’s only so much celebrating that can go on in an afternoon, especially on a school night, so recognition of the 50k milestone came later, and with an Olympian theme…We’ve got a medal gallery running on the front of the website at the moment with as many people as possible proudly displaying their Olympic gold, but in case you miss it, banners were made too – prepare to scroll through the photo below!

Highlights of the medal ceremonies!

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